We believe in the Great Commission that Jesus gave us in Matthew 28:19-20

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you”


Clyde and Sally Freeland are our local missionaries who have been called by God to minister to the churches and people of Belize.  They make several trips every year and provide valuable resources both spiritually and physically (Clyde is a “Jack of All Trades” and Sally is “the force” behind him – or should I say, ‘she is one of the best delegators and one of the kindest persons I’ve ever met’). They literally pour themselves out for this great people.

They have a heart for missions.  Here’s their story:

It all started one Saturday morning at a men’s fellowship breakfast in Fountain City, TN. One of the local men stood up and said, “I’ve been thinking about all of the mission work we have been doing here in the Knoxville area, and I think it’s time for us to go and do Mission work in another Country”.

WOW! It was right then and there that God caused the seed of missions to sprout forth in my spirit and “I was ready to go… just tell me when and where.”

When I shared this calling with my wife Sally about going on a mission trip, she said, “God may have called you, but he hasn’t called me ha ha”. But being submissive to the Holy Spirit, she went with me to Ecuador, South America in the Great Andes Mountains to help build churches in Rio Bamba and Ambato for the Quichua Indians. Through that first trip, her life was changed. Today she is ready to go almost anywhere at any time.

After many different trips to Ecuador, we started expanding to Mexico, and worked on different projects from Reynosa near Texas to South of Palenque near the Guatemala Boarder. We would travel on an old bus north to an airport in Villahermosa, fly to Mexico City, and then back to the U. S.

One night in Villahermosa Mexico, a young lady name Alba stopped me and said, “You’re one of the missionaries who come at different times. I’m here studying God’s Word to take back to my people, would you please come to my country and help my people? For they love God so much, but are very poor. There are very few churches – many have no church.” The tears were flowing down her face as she told me about her country. I asked her where she was from and she said Belize. I had never heard of Belize before then. I told her I couldn’t come because we were booked for the next two years with other mission plans.

Finally we had the opportunity to go to Belize and God helped us to find this young lady, and what a time it was. She was at a little Bible Seminary teaching God’s Word to new pastors of Belize. That was almost 12 years ago, and the people of Belize have since captured our hearts.

We have a deep passion for Belize. Jesus told his disciples to “go into all the world and preach the Gospel…” They were people just like us, but God gave them a task, and they performed it. Let me say it this way, it’s not what you are, but what you can be in the hands of God and who knows, you might just find yourself making a real difference through missions.

There are many, many, beautiful stories we could share about how God has blessed us by allowing us to experience his love through these wonderful people in Ecuador, Mexico, and most of all, Belize. You can listen to our stories, look at our pictures, watch our videos, but until you are there, and walk this walk, feel the love from the people we are helping, smell the ground in these jungles where the tigers and jaguars run free, you will never know.


You should try it – who knows, you might be God’s next missionary.


If you would like to participate financially (through donations or items), spiritually (through prayer and fasting) or physically (by going to Belize on a mission project) please contact:

Clyde & Sally Freeland

E-mail: csfreeland@juno.com


Hidden away in the Carpathian Mountains of Eastern Europe lies a village unknown to the modern world called Brosteni, It is a place that has seen much suffering and heartache. Formally a prosperous mining town, it became a place of high unemployment and extreme poverty. It is here in this setting that the Bread of Life ministries came to offer help for today and hope for tomorrow.

Today, they have approximately eighty children who live at the orphanage. Their doors are always open to help a needy child, or to provide a nutritious meal at their Soup Kitchens. Every poor child knows that the orphanage exists to help them. Some walk for many miles, from living in different villages and each one of them know that they can receive help. Every child that comes to the orphanage receives a medical checkup, clothing, and a special sandwich and a bowl of soup to fill their stomachs.

Revival Vision Church believes and supports the Bread of Life Orphanage ministries in Romania. We have, for the past 6 years financially supported them and will continue to do so as the Lord provides.  We believe in making a difference at home and abroad.

James 1:27 says,

“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”


What can you do? A great place to start is prayer. Pray for the children – pray for protection, provision and prosperity.